Dynamixel package system installation

Posted by Vincius Prado da Fonseca on November 11, 2016

For some reason the Dynamixel installation for ROS Indigo give me some (annoying) errors when I try to use the joint_trajectory_action, even when I get the trajectory working on the motors. So I performed an installation from this github repo.

You can just clone the repo in your project’s workspace src folder as a package and compile, but I wanted to have a system installation (at /opt/ros) in order to have one solution for all future projects.

First you need to create a catkin workspace for Dynamixel, organize the folders to get it compiling with catkin_make. After that, go to the workspace:

$ cd dynamixel_ws

You need permissions to install it on /opt/ros:

# sudo su

And the environment variables:

# source devel/setup.bash

So you can perform the installation:

# catkin_make -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/ros/indigo install

After that you have a system installation for your dynamixel pkg.

All the best!


