Images sequence to mp4

Posted by Vincius Prado da Fonseca on May 4, 2017

I’d got a sequence of images from my last snowboard trip and want to group them in a mp4 format. Problem is that they don’t start from 0 or 1 so I need a script line before feeding them to FFmpeg and create a video.

To reduce size:

$ mogrify -resize 50% *jpg

The files pattern was something like Y003.jpeg. To test renaming:

$ rename 's/.+/our $i; sprintf("Y%03d.jpg", 1+$i++)/e' * -vn

To rename in fact, just remove the -vn option. Now use ffmpeg to generate the mp4 file.

$ ffmpeg -framerate 2 -i Y%03d.jpg -c:v libx264 -profile:v high -crf 20 -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mp4

Now you should have a output.mp4 file on your folder.
