Updates about Pebble apps

Posted by Vincius Prado da Fonseca on May 3, 2016

I’ve been using my Pebble again after some time. I wrote about my expectations and applications before. For my total surprise, they updated the firmware with something really good, closer to Pebble time. Basically, they redesigned the whole interface and learn which are the basic apps and made their own. Apps to get weather, calendar and notifications are built-in and really good.

I’m in a huge dilemma about Music Boss. Its single advantage now is to launch the music apps. The built-in music app is really good. So I keep both but probably I’m going to remove Music Boss in the short term. I always can start the apps directly.

For navigation, I’m using Directions by Thibaut Rey but I need to test it. I keep Nav Me because I thing that I paid for it but definitely lost its position. I like Runkeeper and it stays the best and simplest. Endomondo didn’t have any updates since 2014 so I’m not going to test it again.

That’s all!
